

Today is Thursday, the first Day of the Sewers!! We are determined to make our own clothes, do we? First things firs, so let's talk about what we'd like to sew: a skirt for the office? A summer dress? A wearable and stylish top? There are lots of outfits to create and many occasions to visualize you in them. So let's decide whether to chose an existing pattern or create our own:
In my opinion, this is the best option to learn how to sew and improve skills, specially if they are simple or for beginners. There's nothing to design, a profesional designer have already done that for you. You don't need to do the maths to create the pattern. Just take your measurements and check your size. Some customization is always possible. But you will be sure while sewing because that is a professional pattern.

Where can we sewing lovers find profesional patterns designers?

  1. Sewing magazines: here in Spain the most popular ones are Burda and Patrones. I've already sewn twice using this method and I can say that the experiences weren't the most satisfying in the world.

  2. On independent sewing designers online shops: they make their own designs and patterns, in different sizes. Those are usually send print in paper and in PDF downloadable files. Many of them have different versions from the same garment. For me, what make them the best option is their great instruction (in general). They explain EVERYTHING: recommended fabrics, techniques, how to place the pattern before the cutting process, the sewing order, etc. These patterns are very detailed and accesible for beginners. . Here you are a list of indie sewing designer from all around the world.
As far as I know, there are basic patterns that you can modify according to your own designs. I've made this type of patterns most of the time. I am just a sewing enthusiastic, not a designer nor an expert, and don't know exactly why some of them have worked for me, but not the others.

I have had different experiences while following this method. Some of them worked accurately, but some others we a total fail. I think that it's the riskier method that requires certain skills. Although this is something subjective. You may prefer making your own patterns because it's more challenging or you can make original designs. If this is your case, you can find lots of information, resources, techniques, and inspiration on the internet. Or you might prefer to begin using some books. Look a Betsy reading recommendations about cutting.

There is another one possibility. You can copy your favorite garments and sew your own. I have never made that, but I think it could work well.
I choose the patterns made from independent designers. They are very talented people, their designs are so beautiful, and they need less time to get finished. They are son detailed and well explained too that you can learn a lot making them. I'm more adventurous in knitting I must admit.

And you, what kind of patterns do you prefer? Have you ever try one of those different methods? Do you like to design your own clothes or making them by you is enough experience? Do you know any other way to sew your clothes?

In some of my Pinterest boards, you can find the patterns of some of the coolest indie designers from all around the world. Visit and tell me your opinion if you like. 

See you on Tuesday!

Thank you for ready and have a great day <3

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